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Spotlight interview: Gresha Schuilling

Today we sat down with the highly versatile and gifted Gresha Schuilling to discuss all things life and music:

  1. Please give us an insight into your early life and your bio as a CMM artist? My full name is Gresha Marguerite Theodora Schuiiling and I was born on May 15, 1983 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the only child of Charmaine Audrey Schuilling and Graeme Maurice Tyrone Schuilling. I grew up in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, where my father was working at the time. I had a very sheltered life and thrived in my education, sports and music, and was awarded a full scholarship to Millfield in Somerset, England. But my grandmother passed away in Sri Lanka at that time, and I had to move back home for a few years. That must have been an extremely difficult time to head back and almost start over again in an environment which you had previously left? It was a culture shock to say the least. I was completely exposed to partying and nightlife, much of which was prohibited in Saudi Arabia and so I went overboard, the evidence of which can still be seen in pictures on Google. I moved back to the Middle East soon after that, started working in Doha, Qatar, then Salalah, Oman and now live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates where I married my husband Sudhindra Yadhati and had our only child, Dylan Tristan Schuilling Yadhati.

2. Can you share with us how you work in terms of the songwriting

and production of your musical works?

After having completed my IGCSEs in Music, Grave V in Theory, Piano and Singing, I found that I could either sing Opera in my Soprano register like Sarah Brightman or Contralto like Cher, but I didn't like mixing the two through my mid-range.

3. What about in later life up to know?

Ultimately the choice was made for me when I gave up music from the age of 24 to 38 and my higher register pretty much atrophied but I seemed to have retained the Contralto as my speaking voice is naturally quite low. I am thankful to God that it did because it is not only more distinct but also the best register for me to truly convey my emotions while singing.

4. Thanks for taking us through your journey into music.

Are you able to elaborate on music and it's impact on your personal life?

Although I had vowed never to sing again, when I met my spiritual father Prophet Jerome Fernando in 2022, he told me the best view at our church, the Miracle Dome, was from the stage. I then collaborated with Pio Anadappa Shimron Fernando, and the rest is HIS-tory; truly directed by God.

5. In terms of your own music and projects which you have worked on, are you able to share some information with us on this?

 I love the beautiful balance between sound and silence in Chris Tomlin, Phil Wickham and Passion's music. For my own songs, however, everything starts with the lyrics. If there is the right revelation there, the rest takes its own shape as each of us on our team of 8 that work on my music has complete creative freedom on what we contribute. Although I have only met Shimron and Pastor Pio in real-life, and have only ever worked with the rest of the team virtually, it is evidence of God's grace that the final product is always so cohesive and ONE in each offering of worship.




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