The artist who is now based out of Toronto has been on quite the journey as he prepares for the release of his latest single out on December 26th. From a near death experience to 2nd place in a guitar solo competition his musical journey has taken him from the depths of despair to the emerging talent scene that Toronto is so highly respected for. After the release of a number of previous singles, which has proved to be incredibly popular amongst streaming audiences, the artist is returning with a soulful action packed Reggae jam that is a thrilling combination of raw instrumental and vocals.
Working alongside his producer Prince BigNob "Piece of Magic"was put together with a clear vision, to uplift and provide escapism for the artists audience. As parts of our world plunges into uncertainty Klinsvin aims to shine a light on the positives and one of those positives being a beautiful woman. Impressively as the drums and layered vocals are it's worth noting how incredible the artists guitar work really is as the riffs and runs submerge the track in the middle and outro section adding an almost climatic edge to the song. With consistently received support from musical influencers, including Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue who retweeted a video of the artist. Klinsvin appears to be on an exciting road. With 2021 just around the corner. We look forward to seeing what is in store! Stream the artists latest music here
