John Vento is a man of many talents. Currently the lead frontman for The Nied’s Hotel Band, the artist has been keeping incredibly busy with new band and solo music. NHB are known for their high energy contrasting themes and narratives. Putting out some great work since their formation."New Mexico"which is one of John's recent singles is worth noting as a beautifully arranged high energy country record with a smooth funky vibe oozing confidence, the kind of song that makes you want to get up and dance not matter where you are. Vento's lead vocals are simply breathtaking but it's almost impossible to choose a favourite highlight.

Originally from Pittsburgh John collaborates with a variety homegrown talent on his latest body of work including the likes of David Granati, songwriter Bert Lauble, and singer/songwriter Cherylann Hawk. Other contributors on this album are stellar Pittsburgh musicians Cheryl Rinovato, Joffo Simmons, Bob Fetherlin, Wil E. Tri, as well as a few of David Granati’s talented family members, Joey, Hermie and Jules. Currently releasing a new single every month leading up to the release of his highly anticipated new album "Brick by Brick." Each new single will also be accompanied by a stunning visual.

In addition to his musical adventures John is an accomplished business entrepreneur in addition to guiding, supporting and mentoring youngsters and veterans alike. Creating his own music venue to provide a platform for aspiring artists from his home city. Steamworks Creative is the venues name, which has just celebrated its third anniversary in allowing musicians to perform acoustically without the noise and general din of many club venues. He and his crew host open stages and artist showcases, which include an autism friendly open mic.
Autism awareness is also something John has an invested interest in. Speaking on the subject:
“My godson is on the spectrum, as well as others in our family.” Together with well-known Pittsburgh venue owner and champion of live music, Ron ‘Moondog’ Esser, he co-founded “Band Together Pittsburgh.” We want folks to see how beautiful and talented those on the spectrum really are,” he says. “You would have to come to one of our Autism Friendly Open Mic events to see first-hand what I’m trying to say. It’s amazing on every level.”