The artist who hails from Limerick Ireland released his third album in September 2020 to much anticipation from his audience. "Golden Sky" is the title track and with a back catalogue of full length projects already out, this track soars and inspires.
Combined with influences of Indie, Punk and Rock the artists latest single has much to offer. With some of his previous releases maintaining more of an acoustic feel "Golden Sky" definitely has a bolder tone. From the large pan vocals that cover the duration of that track to the heavy drum and guitars that set the stage for the rest of the song. It is worth noting the the riffs are especially impressive and add a significant level of authority to the song. There is a strong sense of old school punk vibes especially on a first listen. It forms a collective sound that occupies the artists full album.
Accompanying the release is the visual which captures the essence of the song incredibly well, flashbacks between the artist and the lead actress ad an element of two parallel worlds. It's fun with various locations and themes on show with Fergal playing his signature acoustic guitar throughout.
Listen to the new single here
Fergal's album can be purchased here
The singles video watch